Aquatic Plant Management
In 1992, shortly after the Lauderdale Lakes Lake Management District was formed, we acquired mechanical aquatic plant harvesting equipment with the assistance of a grant from the Wisconsin Waterways Commission.
Plant material is harvested to keep the lakes navigable, and to help limit the growth of invasive species such as Eurasian Milfoil. We apply for a permit from the Wisconsin DNR for mechanical harvesting in the summer months. The DNR limits the areas and length of time in the year in which we can harvest aquatic plants.
Every 5 years the Aquatic Plant Management Plan for the Lakes is updated. Current plan was issued in 2020 after an extensive plant survey at 1740 locations. We were granted a 5 year weed harvesting permit on June 3, 2020.
To aid harvesting, please move buoys, rafts, floating toys, etc. behind the pier head.
We are also working to educate homeowners and visitors to our lakes to help keep invasive species at bay. In 2009 we began the “Clean Boats, Clean Waters” DNR initiative. Working at boat launches on the lakes, an LLLMD staff member helps perform boat and trailer checks, disseminates informational brochures, and educates boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species in and out of our Lakes.
LLLMD Commissioner Greg Wisniewski oversees this project.
The weed harvesting crew chiefs are Mike Bromeland and Joe Johnson: (262) 742-4511 or
Additional Information:
- Aquatic Plant Management Plan 2020
- Aquatic Plant Management Plan 2015
- Aquatic Plant Management Plan 2010
- Aquatic Plant Management Plan 2001
- Weed Harvesting Sequence
- Wisconsin DNR Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Weed cutting/removal from around pier
Pier head to shore is owner-maintained; removal of floaters, debris, fallen leaves, and using DASH services substantially improves water clarity.
Sweeney's Aquatic Weed Removal
Tara Sweeney
Eco Waterway Services
Riese Aquatics, LLC
Brandon Riese